Just checking in

Dear Loved Ones,

I hope you are safe, well, and managing this challenging time with some grace and peace. I debated writing because if your life has been anything like mine, you have been in a constant cycle of information consumption and may be at the point of information overload. Although I feel immense peace at this time, it is difficult to escape what is happening around us. 

My partner Naeem and I made the decision to drive from Houston to the DC-area late last week to be with his mom during this time. Although she is self-sufficient, we felt it was probably best to keep her company (and for some reason I hear my mom nagging the hell out of me to do it because that's what all good daughters do...hahaha). There's nothing more testing of one's love than being in a car for 22+ hours with a dog and not really able to get out and walk about freely. Alas, we made it intact and have been hunkering down and enjoying this time together.

During these crazy times, I can't help but reflect on all that life has taught me that is now coming in handy. For example...
  • Growing up in and out of poverty, I learned early how to call a creditor and let them know "I don't have it", "I need a payment plan" and "It's fine if you cut me off, there are other options"
  • While in Peace Corps, I learned how to be alone for long stretches of time with nothing but pen, paper, and random books. I do remember a time I created puppets out of clothespins and put on a full production solo- it could have won an award because it was that good or I was that bored...
  • the time when I spent the summer in South Sudan and ate for about 6 weeks straight rice and beans and beans and rice-so many combinations can be made with those 2 simple ingredients. 
...and the list continues. These experiences, were unpleasant, challenging, and at times made me question myself and my ability to survive. Surprisingly, I survived and as a result of those not so nice experiences I feel confident moving through this not so nice experience with more confidence and calm that this too will pass, I too will survive, and one day I will use the lessons from this experience to improve, manage, navigate a future experience (hopefully one more pleasant like childbirth).

I'm not writing to diminish the feelings of anxiety, frustration, sadness, etc that you may be feeling. Those are real, they need to be felt, and there is nothing wrong with not looking at this from a Polly Positive perspective. I am writing to let you know that even though this situation is uncertain, in this moment you are okay. You are reading this (hopefully with a slight smile) and you are okay. And it is my hope that as you continue moving through your day and the days that follow, that you remind yourself in those small moments that you are okay. You will survive, you will be better because of this. And if you have a hard time seeing that feel free to reach out- I am more than happy to be your Polly Positive when needed. For an extra boost I suggest this online sermon or this uplifting playlist.

Many prayers for your health and wellness. 


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