If you asked me 10 years ago to speak something into existence my first question would have been "what am I speaking?" and the next question would be "how is speaking going to bring in it?" This phrase "Speak it into existence" is one of the many buzzwords I see flying across my social media feeds as more people are recognizing the importance of aligning your thoughts with your desires and are being more mindful of how thoughts can impact the way you experience things. Although I love the idea of mindfulness and thinking things into existence, I am also a realist and have to share that every time I see or hear this phrase I have the desire to follow up and say "and do the work to make it happen." A dream is a dream until you do the work needed to make it a reality. And honestly, I feel the last part is lost on people. I wish I could speak things into existence and they magically happen with no work on my part...that 10 lbs would be gone, that student loan debt forgiven, i'd be retired on a beach...you get it.
This post is not to complain about all the those speakers but really to look at why we choose to speak and not act or to not speak at all. I know for myself, fear plays a big role in the reason why I don't speak or don't act. A fear that if I share what I truly desire it would be looked upon negatively, seen as unrealistic, and/or having to defend my vision to naysayers or those that lack the ability to dream themselves. I don't act because the idea of failing or not living up to what I "spoke" into existence and having to save face to those I so boldly declared my dreams to is not appealing. Fear is crippling y'all but a dream denied is equally crippling. So what now?
I have learned that you have to find those that you can speak things to and trust that they will not only support your dream, they will speak love and support into it as well. I have found it important to find those folks that are going to encourage the dream no matter how outrageous because they believe that you can do anything. Find the people that are going to hold you accountable and find the people that move with you if decide to change that dream. Find the people that lift you up, remind you of your greatness, and help you see your dream when clouds may get in the way. Beside finding your folks, I think it's equally important to ready yourself for the work to make it happen. Don't speak unless you're ready to act.
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